DUE DATE: Friday, November 8th; 1 Photo.
DUE DATE: Friday, November 8th; 1 Photo.
Texting & Relationships
This assignment will involve your phone and some thinking about how it works within our relationships. Does it affect our interpersonal activities in a negative way?
You can use people or still life, but please keep the premise that it is the lead photo for a story on
the topic; you need to deliver a shot that would make the photo editor choose you for the next editorial shoot.
DUE DATE: Friday, November 15th; 1 Photo. 20 Points.

16+1... in the studio
A Simple Revisit To The Studio
Emulate the style and layout in the images below. 16 shots in black and white. One in color. Schedule some studio time (20 minute slots). Have fun. Be efficient with your time... have a plan (who and how). There is a basic template for the project (More info to be provided)
DUE DATE: Friday, November 15th; 1 Image (17 pics). 30 points.

DUE DATE: Friday, November 15th; 1 Photo.
An Environmental Portrait
Environmental Portraiture is a way of showing something about the subject by showing us their environment. This Environmental Portrait should tell us what they do by looking at where they are shot.
The layout template can be found on the Photo > Templates > EnvironmentalPortraiture.psd. Feel free to change the font from the sans serif font to a serif font, if you like.
Do not alter the layout. It is a fixed design for this magazine, a ‘feature’ that this magazine runs every issue. “Meet ____ _____, is a page that is always run on the right side of the magazine, and the copy area is set. Add the person’s name to it please.
DUE DATE: Friday, November 22nd ;1 Photoshop Image as per layout. (Include metadata in picture description and sketch or description of lighting scenario); 30 points.

Hands and ___________
Photographing hands can be quite tricky. Everything from manicure to knuckles to veins can be a problem. Hand models take extreme care of their hands, but for this gig the clients wants "real hands" holding her brand new -- thingymabob. (Here is where you get to get creative. Hands holding something of your choice.)
The image is to be square, and it has a layout to follow; you can find it on the Photo > Templates > HandsTemplate.psd. Keep the layout; feel free to do something better with the fonts.
Two shots. The hands holding the ___________, and a detail shot (closeup) to augment the main image. Same subject, not two different shoots.
A NonProfit wants the shots for a brochure as well as website usage. The brochure is to go out as a direct mail piece to former contributors. They want to use the image for a print run of 12,000 and they want to be able to use the image on the web for 4 months for the duration of the fundraiser.
DUE DATE: Friday, November 22nd;1 Photoshop Image as per layout. (Include metadata in picture description and sketch or description of lighting scenario); 20 points for image;
A Textured Subject
And do we ever want to see the texture. Side light it, back side light it… whatever it takes to show us the texture of the subject you are shooting. The texture means rough, hewn, scratchy, or pitted. We want to see those highlights and those shadows and we want to see them enough that we can feel them. The assignment is to make a killer shot of texture.
Caveat: Shooting a wall in morning sun is not gonna do it, nor is a closeup shot of a board or something. I want you to create the shot. Natural light/artificial light… whatever you want. Just work the shot… show us something so cool that we are blown away. Use light patterns or shapes or angles or color or composition, but make the shot something so amazing that it can go in your portfolio – not as a ‘texture’ but as a wonderful image.
Take your time and make something special. Color or Black and White. Horizontal (Landscape). Any subject matter is allowed.
DUE DATE: Friday, November 22nd; 2 photos. 10 points.

Perfect Square
DUE DATE: Friday, November 22nd; 1 Photo.